The Birch Family Home Page
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since September 10, 1997.
Last updated on 14 November 2004
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About Us
We live in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. Dan's son Landen likes tornadoes, megalodons (giant prehistoric sharks),
the X-33 spaceplane, and airplanes,
especially the Joint Strike Fighter. He also has his own airplane collection.
We are members of The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-day Saints. Dan enjoys music,
computers, astronomy,
airplanes, especially the
Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird, collecting die-cast airplanes, working out, going to movies,
the Utah Jazz, and reading
anything he can get his hands on. Something very few people know about Dan: He's also a
wanna-be poet. Please sign our
guestbook before you leave. We'd like to know more about you and what you think about
anything on our site. Thanks for stopping by!
Some out-of-this-world space/astronomy sites!
Click on the Hubble Space Telescope image of supermassive variable star Eta Carinae for links to some really cool space and astronomy websites.
LDS-related websites

Click on the LDS Church logo to view our LDS page.
Dan's Blackbird Page

Click on the SR-71 Blackbird to go to Dan's Blackbird Page.
Recommended Reading

Click on the books to go to our recommended reading section. I will update this section periodically.
Dan's Poetry Page

Some of my musings on this wonderful universe of ours.
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